

Meals are not prepared for ones with a special diet for food intolerance! During the preparation and packing procedure the food may can include allergens!

The „Suprise Platter” contains dairy, gluten and some other ingredients which can cause an allergic reaction! (Nuts, walnut, sesame, almond etc.)

Participating at the Invisible Dinner Program is at your own responsibility, please keep it in mind!



Tarragon chicken soup

Onion soup

Strawberry cream soup



For meatlovers

Pork loin with Hungarian ratatouille (Please choose garnish too!)

Poultry meals

Grilled chicken drumstick fillet (Please choose garnish too!)

For those who feel really hungry – chicken breast gratinated with vegetables, sour cream and cheese (Please choose garnish too!)

Chicken breast á la “Óvári” – roasted chicken breast with ham, mushrooms and cheese (Please choose a garnish too!)

Hungarian style Pizza

Hungarian Pizza – tomato sauce, onion, hot pepper, sausage, clod, cheese

Meatlover Pizza – tomato sauce, bacon, chicken, ham, salami, cheese

Clod Pizza – mustard sauce, red onion, clod, egg, cheese

Vegetarian Pizza – tomato sauce, zucchini, mushroom, onion, bell peppers, corn, cheese


Smokey penne – penne, creamy smoked cheese sauce, chicken

Penne with chicken and leek – penne, chicken breast, cream sauce, leek, mozzarella, cheese

Vegetarian dishes

Crilled camambert with orange and salad

Grilled mushrooms with rice and tartar sauce



Steamed rice


Grilled jacket potato

Rice with peas

Parsley potatoes


Profiteroles with chocolate

Chestnut puree

Curd cheese dumpling filled with strawberry


Menues are not prepared for special needs (food intolerance) .

You can find some food options without ingredients which cause intolerance, but please note that although there are no allergens among the ingredients of these meals, due to the preparation method of the food the meal can contain allergens like lactose, gluten, nut or walnut!

    Neved (szükséges)

    E-mail címed (szükséges)


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    Láthatatlan Kiállítás Budapest

    Nyitva tartás : 09:00 – 20:00
    Helyszín: Millenáris Park B csarnok
    Cím: 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16-20.
    Telefon : +36 20 771 4236

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