Stuffed cabbage

Stuffed cabbage

Stuffed cabbage 509 339 dorottya

A few days ago a friend came to visit us. I was happy to see her as I haven’t seen her in a while. However, I wasn’t keen on her visit when I found out that she is going to bring us some stuffed cabbage which is something I was never a fan of. For those of you who don’t know, stuffed cabbage is a Hungarian dish which is very popular around Christmas. There are several ways to prepare it, it varies from county to county. But the main ingredients are cabbage leaves, ground meat or rice.

Because I was quite hungry and there was nothing else to eat, I decided to taste the cabbage. Soon I realised how silly I was for years because I always refused to eat it. While eating the delicious lunch, a story came to my mind mind which happened to me during one of my tours. A guest once asked me whether food tastes better for someone who is blind or visually impaired. Before I could say anything, another person from the group replied that it depends who cooks it. I found his statement very funny but at the same time very clear and obvious.

It is believed by a lot of sighted people that if you have visual impairment, your other senses get stronger or more sophisticated. But just because we have lost our sight, it does not mean that our other senses are better. In fact, we are not better or worse than anyone else. To cut it short, we receive 80% of the information through sight. But since we have no sight whatsoever, we are forced to do things differently than the sighted. For example at a crossing, we tend to pay attention the sound of the traffic rather than the lights. This is something we’ve been doing for quite a long time buti t does not mean that we have stronger hearing skills. And the fact that sighted people tend to be very visual is totally acceptable. My suggestion is that instead of creating theories on our own, we should rather be brave enough and dare to ask questions. This is th ebest way to learn from each other.

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